
Essential adhesives for every maintenance, repair and overhaul tool box
Born2Bond™ high-performance engineering adhesives offer an array of products that enable rapid and easy repairs on-site.
Included in the range are solutions resistant to vibration, impact, chemicals, oils and extremes of temperature, making them a reliable, cost-effective alternative to mechanical fastening, welding and other sealing technologies. The adaptability and flexibility of these fast-curing, single-product adhesives eliminates the cost of holding extensive inventory and is a more convenient solution for the maintenance operative.
Born2Bond™ adhesives are suitable for multiple substrates including metal, glass, leather, rubber, plastic, composites and alloys (please use our product selector to identify the right solutions for your bonding requirements). This flexibility, combined with ease of application and fast-curing speeds help accelerate maintenance and repair processes, reducing downtime and increasing the productivity of the MRO workforce.
Non-solvent based, low odor and WL Anaerobic options play their part in making Born2Bond™ a more sustainable and safer choice for use in the workplace.
Samples are available upon request. Product availability and packaging might vary region by region – please consult with local sales team and customer service.
New Born2Bond™
products will
be coming soon.